Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!! I hope you had an enjoyable winter break....

B Day

Students received a progress report of all work submitted through December 18. You can see your current average on Schoolmax for all work submitted through 12/18.

Accelerated Algebra 1
Progress reports were distributed to all students, and all student papers were returned. There are 3 weeks left in the 2nd quarter, so you still have time to bring your grade up!!!
Winter Break HSA Practice Packs are due to be turned in today.
Objective: Students will solve systems of equations using the elimination method.
Assignment pp 356-357 #1-22.

Students will receive their Quarter 2 Project on Wednesday. This is due on Thursday, Jan 22, 2010

IB Math Studies
Progress reports were distributed and all papers submitted through 12/18 were returned. The teacher discussed student's Internal Assessment Topics which were due today. Students are encouraged to review the schedule, and start data collection as soon as possible. The deadline is firm!
Objective: Students will practice solving problems using exponential functions.
Assignment: Oxford Text Ex. 4.4 evens