Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Day

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry, grade 9

Objective:Students will identify similar ploygons and prove triangles similar in order to apply the AA, SSS and SAS postulates. Following the warup, Mrs. Dennard answered questions on the homework, and taught the new lesson. Students were assigned practice problems, and worked together in small groups. In the last 30 minutes, Mrs Dennard introduced the next lesson, on proving triangles similar.
Assignment: PP 424-429, # 1-20
Homework: PP 432-437 # 1-10.

Quiz on Thursday Chap 81- through 8-3.

Semester exam on Wednesday, June 9!!!

Work hard - get smart!

Period 3 Pre-Calculus, grade 11

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding and skill in all objectives of Chapter 4 in the TEST today. Following the warm up, students were given the Chapter 4 test. After lunch, we corrected these tests. All scores will be posted this weekend. No homework this weekend.

Next week Chaptder 5 and Angles and radians

Thursday, May 27, 2010

B Day

Periods 1 and 2, Accelerated Algebra 1, grade 9

Objective: Students will form arithmetic and geometric sequences using formulas in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions about the homework, before teaching the new lesson. Students were assigned several practice problems, and worked together in small groups. The final 30 minutes of class there was a brief quiz.
Assignment: Text pp 424-429, # 1-29.
Homework: Unit 5 TEST REVIEW!!!

The Unit 5 TEST is on Friday, June 4!

Semester exam is Tuesday June 8!!!

Period 3, Pre-Calculus IB, grade 11

Objective: Students will review and practice all objectives in Chapter 4 of the Blitzer text in order to prepare for tomorrow's Chapter TEST. Following the warm up, Mrs Dennard answered questions about the homework, and assigned the review questions Text pp 461-465, #1-92, multiples of 92.

Homework # 1-92, multiples of 5.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Day

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry, grade 9

Objective: Students will write ratios and solve proportions in order to find the dimensions from a scale drawing. Following the warm up,students took notes of the new lesson, and practiced problems in small groups.
Assignment: Text pp 416-421, # 1-25
Homework: Complete classwork.

All 4th Quarter Projects are due by Friday!

Period 3 Pre Calculus IB, grade 11

Objective: Students will solve problems using exponential and logarihmic formulas in order to solve rea;l world problems. Following the warm up. Mrs Dennard answered question about the homework, and student took a brief open book quiz. After lunch, students practiced problem in Chapter 4.5.
Assignment: PP 461-465 #1-94, multiples of 4!
Homework: Complete classwork.

TEST on Chapter 4 on Friday!