Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Day

Periods 1 ands 2 Honors Geometry grade 9

Objective: Students will demonstrate skills in using the properties of parallelograms; verify and use properties of trapezoids and kites. A brief quiz followed a practice session after the warm up. Assignment classwork: Text pp 317, #28-50,54,57-60.
Homework: Back of this weeks' warm up sheet "The Big Quadrilateral Puzzle"
Hint--fill in all the known (given) measurements before calculating the unknowns.

Work Harder - Get Smarter!!!!

Period 3 Math Studies IB Diploma Program Grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of international currency exchange, simple interest, compound interest and repayment in order to solve real-world problems.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions about the homework due today. Error analyses were collected for the most recent quiz and Topic 5 test.
The Internal Assessment Research Paper scores were given to students. This goes into schoolmax as an assessment grade of up to 100 points. It goes to the IB headquarters as up to 7 points total.
Assignment: Oxford Exercices 8.4 PP 396-402.

Work Harder - Get Smarter!!!