Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Day Schedule Friday, 8/27/10

Periods 1 and 4, Geomeetry
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in using and identifying inductive reasoning, making conjectures, and finding possible counterexamples in order to score well on today's quiz. Following the warm up, students worked in small groups on the homework questions, and several students volunteered to put the solutions on the board. Seven students demonstrated the handshake problem and Mrs.Dennard answered a few questions on the homework.The first quiz of the year was distributed. Students turned in all woarm ups and homework for this week.

There is no homework assigned this weekend.

Remember- getting 9 hours of sleep on a school night is correlated with high performance in school.

Students are encouraged to get a TI 83-84+ graphing calculator for home use.

Lockers and textbooks will be distributed next week.

Period 3 IB Math Studies
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill on the Presumed Knowledge skills in the first quiz of the year. Following the warm up, students reviewed the homework in small groups, and several students volunteered to put the correct solutions on the board. All warm ups and homework assignments for this week were turned in. When all questions were satisfied, Mrs.Dennard distributed the quiz. Students finishing the quiz early were invited to begin reading on p.109 in the Haese&Harris text. This is what will will start on next week.
There is no homework this weekend.