Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Day 1/21/11

Period 1A grades 10-12 and 4A grade 9 Geometry
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill and understanding of all objectives in Chapter 3. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard conducted a bried question and answer period before distributing the Unit 3 TEST. Students had the remainder of the class to complete the test.
Homework: Text p. 178,#1-10, and
2 bonus points for a print out of the self check online.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will demonstrate skills and understanding of all objective 2-1 through 2-5. Following the warm up, students had about 20 minutes to review material for today's quiz. Mrs.Dennard distributed the quiz, and students had the remaninder of the class to complete the quiz. We will peer-correct this on Tuesday for the 3rd quarter grade.
Homework: Your Internal assessment drafts are due on Tuesday Jan. 25! this is a 50point assignment!