Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday 8/30/10 B Day

Period 1 and 4
Geometry: Objective: Students will review inductive reasoning,and finding patterns. Book covers made by Mrs. Dennard were given a personal touch by students. They were taken to the media center for laminating this afternoon.
Classwork period 1: Text pp.6-9, #8,13,19-22,29,44,45,47,50,54,56-59.
Classwork Period 4 Handout: 4-24"Know What Formula To Use"
Homework - on the back of the warm up sheet - 2-25"How Do You Rate?"
Next class 1.2 on Points Planes and Lines.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: 6.3 Students will solve problems of grouped discrete data and continuous data in order to develop a frequency table. Homework was collected (finding data sources on the web) Students completed the warm up - a review of line of best fit and slope. Students put a personal touch on book covers for the two IB books.
Any student who had not completed the Class work on Exercise 5B was instructed to do it for homework tonite.
Next class: 5C and D in H&H.