Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

A Day

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry, grade 9

Objective: Students will learn how to find the area of a trapezoid, a rhombus, and a kite in order to model real-world stiuations. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions about the homework, and taught the new lesson, and students practised problems, working in small groups. Period 2 students received interim grade sheets. All graded papers, homework and quizzes were returned to students.
Assignment: Text pp 373-378, # 1-20, 27,29,32,36,38.
Homework: Text p.96,#1-12

Next quiz Thursday, May 8, Chapters 7-4 and 7-5.

Work hard - get smart!

Period 3 Math Studies, IB Program, grade 11

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding and skill in all objectives of the Introductory Differential Calculus Unit test today.
Homework: Complete Friday's warm up problem before Monday; also prepare 3 questions from each unit that you'd like some help with.

On Monday, we will practice IB exam problems from the Oxford text, Units 2,3 &4 on Monday, and 4,5, 6,7 on Tuesday, so make sure you have that with you.

I will be at Parkdale on Saturday morning for IB exam tutoring from 9 to 11:30. Students should meet me in the front lobby at 9am.

The IB Math Studies exams are : Wednesday, May 5, Math Studies SL Paper one. This exam is 90 minutes, from noon to 2pm in Room 106.
The Paper two exam is scheduled for Thursday morning,*:00 to 10:00 am,in room 106.

Students must be in full uniform and wearin their school ID displayed in front of them (on a lanyard). Students should bring at least two black pens for each exam. Calculators and formula sheets will be available in the testing room.

Students are encouraged to make sure they get a good nights sleep in the day immediately preceding the test. Please eat a good breakfast on the day of the test, and a light snack to have before the test.

All IB texts are to be returned on Friday, May 7. At that time we resume class with the Pre-calculus agenda.