Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday October 6, 2010

A Day 10/6/10

Period 1 Geometry grades 10-12
Objective: Students will demonstrate skills in calculating perimeter, circumference and area for squares, rectangles and circle, and calculate distances midpoints and endpoint in todays quiz. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework. The quiz was distributed, and students used the rest of the class period to complete the quiz.
The Unit 1 TEST was scheduled for Thursday and Friday this week, but given the results of todays quiz,the unit test is resceduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week. Tomorrow we will review for the unit test on Monday.
Assignment Chapter Review pp 61-63,#1-48 exclude 36&37.
Bonus assignment: P. 690 all but the constructions problems.

Period 3, Math Studies IB, grade 11
Objective: Students will learn how to solve 3-circle Venn diagram word problems in order to solve real-world problems. Following the wram up, Mrs. Dennard retaught the Venn diagrams lesson using a protocal for finding a answers on a 3-circle diagram. The recent Quiz #4 was returned to students. EAs are due on Monday.
Assignment: Text H&H p.83 Review Set B.
Tomorrow - Tree diagrams and review for unit test.

Period 4 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in calculating perimeter, circumference, and area, and distance,midpoint and endpoints in a quiz on these lesson today. Following the warm up, students were assigned practice problems before the quiz for about 25 minutes. The quiz was distributed, and students took the rest of the class period to complete the quiz.
Assignment: p. 690, all except the constructions problems.
The Unit 1 test scheduled for Friday has been rescheduled for Monday. The next class will be a full review of chapter 1.
Unit 1 TEST will be MONDAY 10/11/10.