Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

B Day 1/3/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry, grade 9
Objective: Students will relate slope and parallel lines, and relate slope and perpendicular lines in order to solve problems in the real world. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard went over the last lesson done before the break to refresh all students memories. Practice problems were assigned, and then students took a brief quiz on this lesson.(3-5)Both 3-5 and 3-6 are reviews of Algebra concepts. When the quiz was finished, Mrs. Dennard directed students to pp.158-164 and assigned the Check for Understanding problems as class work, and #1-24 on pp 161-162 for homework.
Unit 3 TEST will be next Thursday!(next week)

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will use significant figures; p[ercentage errors; and scientific notation in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard reviewed several topics brought in by this class regarding their topics for the internal assessment (IA) statistics research paper. I was dissapointed to learn that students had done little, if any, reading about the topic they planned to do a project on! I have now required that students bring in at least 3 sources for the topics they plan to collect data about on Friday, January 7.
Students were assigned practice problems in the Oxford text,pp. 65-72, Secvtions 2.2 and 2.3. Please complete these exercises for homework if not already completed in class. And- find some articles to read on your topic!