Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 20, 2010

A Day 1-20-10 This post replaces the previous post for this date.


Period 1 and 2
Honors Geometry
Objective: Students will identify congruent overlapping triangles and review all triangle congruence lessons in order to be best prepared for the Chapter 4 TEST on Friday.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the overlapping triangles lesson, and students were assigned practice problems,on pp224-229 # 1-18 and#28.
Students were called individually to show Mrs.Dennard their progress in completing the Chapter 4 Portfolio Project, which is due to be completed by Friday. AT least 7 of the 9 assignmants were to have been com[pleted by today.
Homework: flip side of warm up, and Chapter 4 Review (if not already completed) and the Chapter 4 Practice Test.

Chapter 4 TEST on Friday 1-22-10.

Period 3
Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will solve problems using exponential and trig functions in order to solve real-world problems.
Following the warm up, students contiued to practice word problems using these equations. There was a brief discussion on the Examples of Student work.
Assignment: H&H text Chapter 16 Review Sets- all odd numbered problems.
Data collection was due today for the Internal Assessment Project.

Unit 4 Functions TEST on Friday!!!

January 21, 2010

B Day - Thursday

Periods 1 and 2

Accelerated Algebra 1
Objective: Students will use what they have learned about systems of equations to prepare a project to analyze costs and make decisions.
Following the warm up and a review of last night's homework, Mrs. Dennard distributed the Project "Let's Dance". This included graph paper, poster paper, colored pencils and markers. She guided students as they worked in pairs to solve the problems. All are due to be returned by tomorrow if not completed in class.

Period 3
Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will conduct a peer review of Quiz 2-7 on Exponential and Trig Functions in order most thoroughly understand the details of IB grading criteria. All quizzes were returned to students today.

Assignment: An error analysis of Quiz 2-7 (if you choose to) and in the Oxford text, pp 224 # 1-3, p225 #5-6, p 226 #9, and p227 # 1,3,4.

Functions Unit TEST is tomorrow.

January 20, 2010

A Day Wednesday 1-20-10

Periods 1 and 2
Honors Geometry
Objective: Students will solve problems using exponential and trigonometric equations in order to solve real-world problems.
Following the warm up, students participated in a peer review session to correct the quiz taken yesterday.
Assignment: H&H Text Chapter 16 Review sets-- odds only.

Data Collection for Internal Assessment is due today.

Functions Unit test on Friday!!!

January 19, 2010

B Day Tuesday 1-19-10

Periods 1and 2
Accelerated Algebra 1
Objective: Students will solve word problems using systems of equations.
Assignment: Chapter 7-4 Applications of Linear Systems.
Following the warm Up, students received a Handout :"Launch: Investigating Word Problems" this was worked through with the class, then students were arranged in groups of three. Each was given a different word problem to solve. One person from each group wrote the equationd and solution on the board, and another team member explained the solution to the class.

Homework is on the flip side of this weeks warm up.

Unit 3 TEST will be next week!

Period 3
Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will solve equations involving sine and cosine in order to solve real-world problems.
Following the warm up, students took the Quiz 2-7 on Exponential and Trig Equations. Mrs. Dennard distributed the photocopies of "Examples of Student Work" which includes examples of internal assessment projects for reference.
Assignment: H&H Text pp. 543-544 Review sets A,B C D. evens only.
Unit 4 Functions TEST is on Friday 1/22/10.

January 15, 2010

A Day

Periods 1 and 2
Honors Geometry
Objective: Students will use the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem to prove right triangles congruent.
Classwork: Following the warm-up, Text pp. 217-223. Chapter 4-6 Congruence In Right Triangles- classwork included all "Check Understanding" questions, and #1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14.
Homework: pp 219-221,#3,4,7,8,10,12,15,17. and # 1-35 in Chapter 4 Review.
Portfolio Projects for Chapter 4: At least 7 assignments are due on Wednesday 1/20/1 The final project is due on Friday 1/22/10. No late submissions will be accepted!!!!

The Chapter 4 TEST will be on Friday, 1/22/10.

Period 3
Math Studies IB
Objective: Following the warm up, students continued practice in H&H text Chapter 16
Assignment: Complete all even numbered questions through 16H.
Next Quiz (2-7)is on Tuesday 1/19/10 on Exponential and trig equations
Functions TEST will be Friday 1/22/10