Monday, June 6, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Day, 6/3/11

Period A1 Geometry, grades 10-12
Objective:Students willuse ralationships among sides and among angles of parallelograms to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions about the homework due today - on pp, 397-298, #1-16. and assigned the additional practice problems.
Warm Up: Text p.284 #14; p.286 #6;p. 298 #12.
Assignment: Text p.298, #12-32 evens only.
Next class 6-3 Proving the a quadrilateral is a parallelogram and quiz 6.1-6.3!

Period A3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve real-world problems by evaluating graphs of sine and cosine functions.Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions on the homework due today, (P.537,#2-48). Students began to work on the next lesson doing the CheckPoint questions #1-6.
Warm Up: P.510,#11,17,35
Homework: Complete Check point questions.

Period A4 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill and understanding of all objectives in evaluating quadrilaterals. Following the warm Up, Mrs.Dennard reviewed questions on the homewaork, and assigned practice problems p.695, #1-12. After a quif Q & A session, the quiz was distributed.
Warm Up: Text p.310, #2-10 evens (Chjeckpoint quiz)
Assignment: Text p. 695, #1-12.
Homework: Chapter 6.4 Special Parallelograms,
pp 312-315,Do the Check for Understanding questions #1-4.

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