Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Day 9/30/10

Period 1 Geometry Grades 10,11,12
Objective: Students will Find the measure and area of rectangles, squares, and circles, in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm-up, Mrs.Dennard taught the class how to find the endpoint of a segment, and opened the next lesson on perimeter, circumference and area.
Classwork: Text p.46,#24-29.
Homework: Worksheet Practice 1-6
Quiz next week on 1-4,1-6.
Next week: Lesson 1-7, and Review for Unit 1 TEST

Period 3 Math Studies IB Grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems using set notation and Venn diagrams in order to solve real-world problems.Following the warm up,Mrs.Dennard asked for any questions on the homework, there were none. Mrs.Dennard taught a brief lesson on union and intersection in a venn diagram.
Assignment: Text H&H Pp.75-76,#1-8.
Quiz tomorrow on setthory, basic venn diagrams, and descriptive statistics.

Period 4 Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will find the measure and area of squares, rectangles, and circlees, in order to solve real world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on perimeter, circumference and area.
Classwork: Text pp 51-59,#1-19.
Homework: Text pp 51-59,#20-55 odd, and 57-65 all.
Quiz on Monday - 1-4,1-6 and 1-7.
Next week: Review and Unit 1 TEST on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

B Day 9/29/10

Too all of my students: check out this website:, and tell me what you tink of it....

Objective: Students will find the endpoint of a segment given the coordinates for one point and the midpoint in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took a few questions about the homework. Mrs.Dennard explained that to find the coordeinates of an endpoint, use the Midpoint Formula. Substitute the values for the point you know and the midpoint, then solve for the x or y coordinate of the endpoint.
Classwork: Text pp.46-47,#24-29, 30,33,36,38,40,41,42,43,45,46,and on p,49 the Checkpoint quiz #1-6 and 9&10(skip 7&8)
Homework: Back of the WU #6 Practice 1-6. Use loose leaf paper to show all work.

Objective: Students will identify sets using union and intersection symbols and use set builder notation and the symbol for the complement of a set in order to prepare to solve problems using Venn Diagrams. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taughtseveral lessons on Set Theory: Set vocabulary such as, subset; union; intersection, and complement; how to find the proime factors of a number, and the highest common factor.
Classwork: Text H&H p.190 Ex1A,#1-3, p.20,Ex1B,#1-5, p..29 Ex.1E,#9,12.
Homework: Text H&H pp 69-72,Ex.3A #1-5, Ex.3B,#1-12.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday September 27, 2010

B Day, 9/28/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will solve problems using the distance and midpoint formulas, and use midpoint formula to find an unknown endpoint, given one point and its midpoint. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on finding the endpoint coordinates, and demonstrated several problems for studeents. Practice problems were assigned, and students worked in pairs on the practice. Mrs Dennard called each student to her desk to discuss their interim progress report. Students were praised for high scores, for making significant parogress, or for gett all assignments in on time. Others were counseled on what they needed to do tho improve their averdage score. This is by and large to get assignments done in a thoughful manner, and turned in on time. On time is important so that question may be asked and answered while we are still on that section.
Assignment: Text pp 42-49 # 18-29, 30,33,36,38,40,41,42,43,45.46, and the Checkpoint quiz on p 49 #1-6 and 9&10, (skip 7&8).

Period 3 Math Studies IB Grade 11
Objective: Students will conduct a peer review of the quiz taken at the last class in order to understand each question and it correct solution and to better anticipate the IB grading markscheme. Following the warm up, the peer review was conducted. this took most of the rest of our class period.
Assignment: Oxford.Ex. 3.2 1 - 5.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Day 9/28/10

Period 1 Geometry grades 10-12
Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of Lessons 1-1 on inductive reasoning though lesson 1-4 on measuring line segments and angles. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard instructed students to complete a brief practice session before taking the quiz. Mrs.Dennard took questions from the class about the practice, and the quiz was distributed. Students used the remainder of the class for the quiz.
Classwork Text p. 6909, #17-22.
Homework - back of Warm up #6 Practice 1-6.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of descriptive statistics measures and inrtoductory set theory in a quiz. Following the warm up. Mrs.Dennard answered questions on the homework, and then students started on the quiz. This took the remainder of the class period.
No homework assigned for tonite.

Period 4 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will solve problems of distance between 2 points, and finding the midpoint of a segnment in order to find the distance between 2 points on a map.
Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught students the distance and midpoint formulas, and how to find an endpoint. Practice problems were assigned. WQhile students worked in pairs on the practice, Mrs.Dennard called each student to her desk to receive their interim progress report score. Each students was parised fo making progress so far, told to keep up the good work, or counseled on what they needed to do to improve their average. In most of these cases, getting assignments done and turned in on time was the most consistent advice.
Classwsork: Text pp.43-47,#1-29, then #30,33,36,38,40,41,41,43,45,46, and Checkpoint quiz p.49,#1-6 and 9&10 (skip 7&8).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back To School Night at Parkdale is this evening!
A Day, 9/23/10

Period 1 Geometry Grades 10-12
Objective: Students will calculate length of segments and angles in order to pass the quiz on Tuesday next week! Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took questions on the homework and collected homework and wamup sheets for this week. She then taught the lesson on segment and angle measurement and assigned classwork for practice in completing the measurement calculations.
Classwork: Text pp 29-30, #1-28.
Homework: p. 690, #1-22. or Practice 1-4 from the website.
Next week: Quiz on Tuesday - Lessons 1-1 through 1-4. Then on to Chapter 1-6 on Dictance and Midpoint.

Period 4 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in calulating segment and angle measurements, and find the distance and midpoint between 2 point on a coordinate plane in oder to find the distance between 2 pionts on a map. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took a few questions on the homework and assigned some practice problems before the quiz. She went over the correct answders for the practice and distributed the quiz. After the quiz, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson on calculating distance and midpoint on a coordinate plane.
Homweork Text p 46,#1-23.
Next week: Complete 1-6 and 1-7 and begine Chapter review to prepare for the Unit 1 test on 10/6/10.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will use set notation and interval notation in to use set theory. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard revied all homework questions and taught subset notation. Students are reminded to practice for the quiz in descipive statistics on Monday.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

B Day 9/22/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in measuring line segments and angles as well as all objectives in previous lessons such as pattern identification, inductive reasoning, and points,lines & planes. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard put the homework answers on the overhead and took questions from students with different answers. Then, a brief practice assignment was given before the quiz was distributed. Following the quiz, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson on the distance and midpoint formulas in Chapter 1-6.
Classwork assignment: Text p-.690,#17-22.
Homework: Text p.46 #1-31.

Period 3 A/B Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will write set notation and identify subsets, elements of sets,empty sets, the universal set, union and intersection,and the complement of a set. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard retaught the previous days lesson using the white bosard, as students expressed great difficulty in completing the homework assignment. This practice is reassigned for homework tonight.
Homework: Oxford text:pp.124-126,#1-6.
Tomorrow: Quiz on Chapter 5 Descriptive Statistics and Set Notation.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Day 9/21/10

Periods 1 Geometry grades 10-12
Objective: Students will solve problems of measuring segments in order to find distance using a highway number line. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught how to measure segments, how to identigy a midpoint, and how to name an angle. All student work collected by Friday 9/17 was returned to students. Students were assigned practice problems, and worked in small groups to complete the assignment.
Classwork: Text pp.29-30,#1-15.
Homework: Back of the warm up #5 on linear equations.Prepare for quiz on Thursday.

Period 4 Geometry grade 9
Objective:Students will solve problems of measuring segments and angles in order to use a protractor to measure the angle formed by the hands of a clock. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the class how to use a protractor to measure angles, the four ways to classify angles, and the Angle Addition Postulste. Insructions were given for classwork as follows:Text pp.30-33;#16-27,47,48,55,65-78.
Homework: Back of the Warm Up #5, and complete classwork. Prepare for quiz on Thursday.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will solve problems using set notation, and interval notation in order to identify sets. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson on set notation. Students learned about the use of bracket, braces and parentheses; finite and infinite sets; n(S) - the amount of elements in a set; the empty set, subset symbols and the complement of a set.
Assignment: Oxford text: pp 115-126,Ex.3.1 1-6.
Tomorrow: More set notation and Venn Diagrams.
Quiz on Thursday - (Chapters 3 and 5 in H&H)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

B Day Monday 9/20/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry
Objective: Students will find the lengths of segments and the measures of angles in order to solve real world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on angle measurement, and posted the classwork assignment. SAtudents worked in grooups to complete the practice while Mrs.Dennard Called each student to discuss their latest grade report. Any Students with less than a C average is required to have it signed by their parent and returned to Mrs.Dennard on Wednesday. All papers received by Friday 9/17/10 were graded returned to students today.
Classwork: Text pp 27-31; # 16-27,47,48,55,65-69,70-78.
Homework: Back of the WU#4 Linear Equations worksheet.

Tutoring is offered by Mrs.Dennard on Tuesday and Thursday after school 2:30-3:30 pm.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will calculate variance and coefficient of variation in order to analyze the dispersion in two sets of data. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard asked several students to put the homework problems on the board. Mrs. Dennard taught the new lesson on coefficient of variation, and demonstrated the first problem for students.
Assignment: Text H&H p. 154 5I.2 # 2-3; p 163-164 Review Set B #1-10.
Future plans:
Tomorrow we will start on Probability; there is a quiz scheduled for Thursday on Chapter 5 and Probability issues.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Day 9/17/10

Periods 1 and 4 Geometry

Objective: Students will calculate linear equations in order to prepare for our unit in segment length measurement and angle measurement.
Following the warm up, students checked their homework on linear equations, and Mrs. Dennard put several on the overhead to explain them; students put several problems on the white board, in 1st period, too. Students started in segment lengthe measurement, completing # 1-15 in section 1-4.
All Geometry students are now able to access to textbook online. If you have forgotten you password or user name, see Mrs. Lynch.
1st period homework: Complete the linear equations on p.24.
4th period homework: Text pp 30-31,#33-36 and 42-46, and on p.33 #87-97.

Next class: segment and angle measurement.The will be a brief exit quiz at the end of the next class.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will calculate the variance statistic in order to analyze the spread of a set of data. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard spoke to each student scoring less than 70% on the quiz this week. All were instructed to complete an error analyses to be completed by Tuesday, several were encouraged to take a retest.
Mrs. dennard also spoke to the class about study skills, and told them about the study skills workshops planned for October for Honors level students.
The lesson on variance was was explained as simply another measure of data dispersion, and it is calculated by squaring the standard deviation statistic.
Classwork: H&H pp 152-153,#4-7.
Homework: Complete classwork.
Next Week: Scatter plot correlation (Oxford) and Probabiility (Chapter 14 in H&H.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

B Day Thursday, 9/16/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry
Objective: Students will practice linear equations to prepare for the next lesson on measuring segments and angles; and register for the online textbook in order to use it at home. Following the warm-up, Mrs.Dennard instructed students in completing the Algebra 1 Review on Linear Equations. While students were working on this practice, students took turns using the 3 classroom computers registering for the online textbook at Period 2 also took a brief quiz on Lesson 1-1 through 1-3.
Classwork: Text p. 24, #1-20; and pp 29-30 #1-15.
Homework: Complete the Algebra 1 review practice.
Next week: Bring your composition book on Monday!!!!

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will conduct a peer review of Quiz 2 on Statistics Objective 6.1through 6.5. in order to gain a more thorogh knowledge of how to answer each question, and the IB grading crioteria. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard put the answers on the overhead, and students checked responses by a classmate. There were grading and content questions with each problem, and Mrs.Dennard explained each one. Quizzes were returned to each student for checking. Any changes were verified with Mrs. Dennard. Error Analyses will be due by next Tuesday, 9/21/10.
No homework tonite.
Tomorrow: Variance: a measure of the spread of a set of data.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Day - Wednesday 9/15/10

Periods 1 and 4 Geometry
Objective: Students will solve linear equations by combining like terms and convertin the variable to one side in order to find the length of segments in the next lesson: Measuring Segments and Angles. Following the warm up, students took turnd registering on to use the online textbook. Finally 0- students with home internet access can keep the textbook in their locker to bring to class each day.
Classwork: Text p.24, Solving Linear Equations, #1-20.
Homework: Back of Warm up Practice 1-4,#1-11 and Text pp 29-30 #1-15.
If you need to get to the "Solving Linear Equations" on page 24 fome the online textbook, you must go to page 25, and click on the link to "Algebra 1 Review".

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will solve statistics problems using standard deviation in order to discuss the spread of the distribution of a data set. Following the warm up, students practices several statistics displays on their calculators, and learned how to calculate, both manually and using the calculator, the standard deviation of a data set. Students turned in the Investigation #5 asssignment.
Classwork: H&H pp. 156 Ex. 5J.1.
Homework: H&H pp 157, Ex 5J.2, #1 & 2 (all).

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

B Day, 9/13/10

Preriods 1 Geometry

Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in using inductive reasoning,and identifying points, lines, planes, line sements, rays, parallel lines and skew lines; and midpoint and distance formulas to be successful in today's quiz.
Following the warm up, all work ramaing from last week was collected and students were assigned practice problems.
Classwork" bText p. 23 Checkpoint Quiz #1-10, ans p.690,#1-16.
As Students were working, 3 students at a time used the the classroom computers to register for the online testbook in enables students to access the Geometry text from any computer! Students are to bring Geometry books to class each class, and store the book in the school locker.
The quiz was distributed, and students worked until the end of the class period. There is no homework tonite.

Period 2 Geometry.

Objective: Students will find the length of segmentsand the measures of angles in order to find distance using a highway number line. Following the warm up, students went, 3 at a time , to the classroom computers to register for the online textbook at www.pearsonseuuessnet.cpom. A registered sudent can access the Geometry textbook from any computer!
Mrs. Dennard taught the next lesson (noted in the objective) and students were assigned practice problems.
Classwork: Text p. 25-3, # 1-15. Work not completed in class is assigned for homework. This class will have a quiz on Thursday - to cover Lessons 101 through todays lesson, 1-4 on measuring segments.

Period 3 Math Studies
Objective: same as Friday - students took the quiz following the warm up.
Homework: Investigation 5 in H&H pp 154-155. The 250 word report must be typed. This will be a project grade. If you are not familiar with calculating stand deviatio, then indicate that, and leave it out. Standard deviation is in our next lesson.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Day 9/10/10

Periods 1 and 4 Geometry
Onjective: Students will demonstrate skill using inductive reasoning, points, ;lines and planes. and identification of rays, line segments, parallel lines, and skew lines to be succussful in today's quiz on these topics.
Following the warm up, the students were asssigned some practice problems before the quiz.The students has 30 minutes to take the quiz.
Classwork: Text p. 23, Checkpoint Quiz, #1-10 and p. 690 #1-16.
No homework this weekend.
Next week -we will start on Lesson 1-4, measurement of segments and angles.

Period 3 Math Studies, IB
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in sketching cumulative frequecy tables and graphs, describing and interpreting data on the second quiz of the quarter. Following the warm up, Mrs. denard answered questions on the homework, and the quiz was distributed. In so far as the students had only 30 minute for the 5 problems, Mrs.Dennard said students could finish this for homework,and take another quiz on Monday.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Day Wednesday, 9/8/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry
Objective: Students will identify segments, and rays, and recognize parallellines in order to identify compass directions. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson, and students began their practice.
Classwork: Test pp 17-23,#1-24,26,33,36-48.
Homework: Text pp 21-23,#49,51,52,58,70.
QUIZ on Monday - Chapter 1, lessons 1 through 3.

***ERROR ANALYSES are due on Monday.

** Progress reports were distributed to all of my students today (both geometry and Math Studies). During practice, Mrs.Dennard spoke to each student indiviually about their performance to date in this class, and gave each one a print out of all work collected to date. Any student with a D or less was instructed to have a parent sirn the print out and return it to me on Monday. If not, I must call the parent to request a conference.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will construct a cumulative frequency graph, box plots using percentiles and quartiles in order to analyze data. Follwoing the warm up, Mrs. Dennard checked for any questions on the homework; there were none, so Mrs.Dennard explained how to find the percentiles in a cumulative frequency graph, and assigned several practice problems.
Classwork: Oxford pp. 291-300 Ex 6.4 #1-8; pp 300-304 Ex 6.5 all.
Work not completed in class is to be done for homework.
Homework: Review Set A (all)in Haese and Harris pp 161-162.

***There is a quiz on Friday on Objectives 6.1 through 6.5. StudentS are reminded to refer to the detailed syllabus if needed.

Mrs. Dennard spoke to each student about their performance to date, and gave each a print out of all work collected to date. (See above Note)

*****ERROR ANALYSES are due on Friday for the Presumed Knowledge quiz.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Day Tuesday - 9/7/10

Periods 1 and 4 Geometry
Objective: Students will identify segments and rays and recognize parallel lines in order to identify compass directions. Following the warm up, the Quiz on lesson 1-1 was returned to students, and Mrs.Dennard went over all answers with the class. After this, The next lesson was taught and students started on practice assignments.
Classwork: Text pp 17-23,#1-24 all; 26,33,36-48.
Homework: Text pp 22-24, #47,51,52,58,70.
There will be a quiz on lessons 1 through 3 in Chapter 1 on Friday,Sept. 10.
****** Notes to all of my students: If you are absent YOU are responsible for turning in missing assignments when you return. All classwork and homework assignments are posted daily for your convenience.
*******Error Analysis Procedure:************
0 for use on up to 5 quizzes (not tests) per quarter
0 good for 50% of points lost due to errors
0 retest option if get a perfect score on the EA
00 You must rewrite the original problem, and explain the error in your answer using sentences. Then solve the problem correctly, and explain each step in English sentences. If you do not do these steps - you will lose all points!
00 The error analysis must be stapled in front of the original quiz, and submitted within 2 schooldays upon its return to you.
Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will sketch a cumulative frequenct graph and solve problems of the spread of the data in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.dennard returned the Quiz on Presumed Knowledge to students and went over all solutions. Students were reminded that error analyses are due on Friday for this quiz. Mrs.Dennard proceeded to answer questions about the homework, but there were so many questions that Mrs. Dennard decided to go back 2 lessons before proceeding further.
Homework:Oxford text,pp 284-291 Read and do exercises 6.1 through 6.3.
Grade reports will be distributed tomorrow.
There will be a quiz on all material covered to date on Friday, Sept 10.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

B Day - Friday 9/3/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry grade 9

Objective: Students will understand and use the basic terms and postulates of Geometry. Following the warm up, Mrs Dennard distributed the laminated book covers, and helped several students to put them on the books. Students were reminded that they must use these covers all year, and to bring the book to class everyday! Students completed the book use forms, and we started on our lesson for today. At the end of class, Mrs.Dennard did a binder/notebook check for 3 points. Students made their first journal entry today "Tell me three things about yourself that will help me to teach you better."
Classwork: Text pp 12-15, #1-37 odds only.
No Homework over the Labor Day weekend.

Supplies needed every day in all of Mrs.Dennard's classes:
o 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper for notes and classwork.
o Composition book for journal writing.(the Composition book must have 100 pages)
o 2 pencils

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of data distribution, including mean, median, mode; and finding the midpoint of an interval.
Following the warm up. Mrs Dennard went over several homework problems for the class, and then went on the teach the next lesson on measures of central tendency.
Assignment: Text H&H pp131-139, #5F.2 #2,3; 5F.3 odds only, and 5F.4 #1-4.
Next quiz will be on Friday 9/10

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A day, Friday 9-2-10

Periods 1 and 4 Geometry
Objective: Students will understand and use the basic terms of geometry and the basic postulates in order to explian why a photographer uses a tripod.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the new vocabulary for Unit 1.2 and students were assigned practice problems for homework: Text pp 12-15 #1-37 odds.
Mrs.Dennard distributed the laminated book covers, and book forms for students. Books were held in our classroom until lockers are given out, which is tomorrow.

Get 9 hours of sleep every school nite for maximum academic performance!

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will use class intervals in preparing a frequency distribution table, a frequency polygon, in order to solve real world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught the new lesson, and assigned the practice problems.
Text H&H pp 123-128, 5E #1-5 odds and 5F.1 #1-11 odds. Any work not completed in class is for homework.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

B Day, Wednesday, 9/1/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry grade 9

Objective: Students will understand and use the basic terms of geometry and the basic postulates of geometry in order to explain why a photographer uses a tripod.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard distributed book covers, and helped students with the fitting of the books. The students had some time to decorate their bookcovers. The bookcovers were taken to the media center for laminationg, and will be back at the next class, when books will be assigned.
Classwork: Text pp.13-14, #1-37 odd.
Homework: Back of this week's warm up:"How Do You Rate"

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11

Objective: Students will solve problems of grouped discrete data and continuous data in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed the laminated book covers to students and the book assignment forms.
Classwork: Text H&H pp 114-123,5C#1-6 and 5D#1-3.
Homework: Complete any classwork not completed in class. Girls are assigned Investigation #2, "Taxi Sir" answer all questions; you written report should be guided by the bulleted questoins on page 114.
Boys are assignd "The Pea Problem" on p.113, and answerall question on p 114 in your written report.