Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 30,2010

A Day 11/30/10

Period 1 Geometry grades 10-12, and Period 4 Honors geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will identify angles formed by two lines and a transversal in order to prove and use properties of parallel lines. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson on properties of parallel lines. Students did the 5 Check for Understanding problems, and these were checked in class. All students should have lecture notes and the C.U. problems in their notes for today. Students began today's asssignment during class, and must finish this and the back of the warm-up sheet for homework.
Assignment: Text pp.115-121, #1-17,19,25,26,30,37-41.
Next class - a brief quiz on this lesson, and we will begin 3-2, Proving Lines Parallel.
Any student not in school during the week of Thanksgiving must take the make-up test of the Unit 2 TEST. You know who you you are. All make-up tests must be completed before Friday. I will be available on Wednesday and Thursday after school for make-up testing.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of two variable statistics, including correlation coefficient(r), Pearson's Correlation Coefficient formula, and r squared.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on correlation coefficient, and how to calculate the coefficient using the formula. Students started to work on today's assigment, and are to complete this for homework,
Assignment: Text H&H,pp 577-581, Exercise 18B.1, #1-3.
brief quiz on Friday this week.
Internal Assessment Schedule will be distributed tomorrow (12/1/10).

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

B Day 11/29/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry, grade 9
Objective: Students will identify angles formed by two lines and a transversal in order to prove and use properties of parallel lines. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taugt the lesson on properties of parallel lines, and assigned the practice problems. Students worked in small groups on the assignment as Mrs.Dennard assisted individual students with questions.
Assignment: Text pp 115-121 #1-17,19,25,26,30,37-41.
There will be aq brief quiz at the beginning of the next class on Wednesday.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will brainstorm as a class on topics of greatest interest for the internal assessment paper. Following the warm up. Mrs. Dennard facilitated a brainstormin session on possible topics for the internal assessment. Students were asked to pick their top 5 topics, and tell the calss the favorite one, and discuss the possiblity of correlating 2 data sets with that topic.
Asssignment: Do some initial research on your topic of interest. Can you locate appropriate data sources that no one else in the class will use?
No homework this evening.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Day 11/23/10

Period 1 grades 10-12 and Period 4 Honors Grade 9
Objective: Studemts will demonstrate skills in all objective in Unit 2 in the Unit 2 TEST today. Following the warm- up, Mrs. dennard answered questions about the homework, and then tests were distributed. Students had the rest of the class period for the test. There is no homework over the Thanksgiving holiday.


Period 3: Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of two variable statistics including correlation vs.causation, and measuring correlation in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed the recent Unit 3 Test to students, and answered all questions about the problems on the test. There is no homework over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

B Day 11/22/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in all objectives of Unit 2, Reasoning and Proof, in the Unit 2 test today. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed the test. Students had the remainder of the class to complete it. There is no homework over the Thanksgiving holiday.


Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of two variable statistical analysis; correlation and causation.
Assignment: Text H&H pp 572-581, Ex 18A,#1-7.
Homework: Read and Outline Oxford text pp 311-315,and do Ex6.7a,#1-5.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Day, 11/19/10

Period 1 Periods 1 Geometry grade 10-12, and Period 2 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in Reasoning with Algebra(2-4) and Proving Angles Congruent (2-5) and review all objectives in Unit 2 in order to prepare for the Unit 2 TEST on Tueadsy, 11/23/10/. Following the warm-up, students were assigned some practice problems in 2-4 and 2-5. Mrs. Dennard went over these problems with the class, and distributed the 2-4/2-5 quiz. As soon as all quizzes were turned in, Mrs.Dennard began a review of the Unit 2 Test review pack. These review packs must be completed by Tuesday.
Assignment: Text p.103,#67-69,and p.107,#24-38.
Homework: Complete Unit 2 Review pack, and Text pp.104-106,#1-23.
I will be available on Monday from 3pm to 4pm for any student needing extra help before the Unit 2 Test.
BE PREPARED - remember a math test is a performance, so to study math, you must PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE - not simply read over your notes or the text! Practice is the activity that puts the neural pathway in your brain that helps you to recall.
We will start on Chapter 3 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines after the Thanksgiving break.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in all nine objectives included in Unit 3on Sets, Logic, and Probability. Students were given the entire class period to complete the test. There is no homework this weekend.
Next week we will start on 2 variable statistics, error analyses for Quiz 2 may be completed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

B Day, 11/18/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will review all objectives in Chapter 2; including conditional statements, biconditionals, deductive reasoning, reasoning in Algebra and Geometry, and proving angles congruent. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard retaught the lesson on proving angles congruent for girls who were in the seminar on Tuesday, assigned more practice before today's quiz on 2-4 ans 2-5.
Assignment: Text, p.103 #67-69, p.107, #24-38.
Homework: Unit 2 Test Review pack is due next class!
Unit 2 TEST is on Monday, Nov. 22, 2010.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will conduct a per review of the brief quiz on Wednesday, and review all objectives in Unit 3 in order to best prepare for the Unit test tomorrow. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard conducted the peer review, and students turned in the quizzes. Next, Mrs.Dennard answered a few question on the homework.
Assignment: Text Oxford: PP.124-125,#1,2,3; P.130,#1,2; P.134,#1; PP.139-140,#1,2,4; P.144,#3; PP.148-149,#1,2,3,5; P.152,#1,4.
UNIT 3 TEST is tomorrow. Be Prepared!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Day, 11/17/10

Period 1A Geometry, grades 10-12
Objective: Students will identify angle pairs, and prove and apply theorems about angles in odere to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered a few questions about the homework, and taught the lesson on proving angles congruent.
Assignment: TEXT PP.100-103, # 1-25, 29,30, 35,and on p 103, #67-69.
Homework:Complete the back of WU#3. Do the even number problems on the Unit 2 Test Review.
There will be a quiz on 2-4 and 2-5 on Friday. The Unit 2 TEST will be on Tuesday, Nov. 23 - right before Thanksgiving.

All students were given grade reports for Geometry attached to their report cards. If a student has less than a 65% average, students were instructed to have a parent sign it and return it to me today. I will be phoningparents of those students who have not returned the grade report.

Period 3 Math Studies IB Grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems using the laws of probability, including combined events, mutually exclusive events, and conditional probability in order to solve real-worl problems. Following the warm up, students were called upon to put a homework questions on the board and explain their work to the class. Students took a brief quiz on this objective today.
Assignment: Text Oxford pp 166-169, all problems for Paper 1 and Paper 2.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

B Day 11/16/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will identify angle pairs and prove and apply theorems about angles in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm-up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on proving angles congruent, and students began to work on the assignment. In 1st period, the girls left class at about 8:15 to attend the seminar for 9th grade girls. In 2nd period, all girls were in the seminar for the entire class period. Any student (including girls who attended the seminar) who did not complete the assignment in class must do ir for homework due on Thursday along with the back of warm up sheet #3.
Assignment: Text pp100-102, #1-37.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems using the Law of Probability including: conditional probability, combined events, and conditional probability. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and taught the lesson on the Laws of Probability. The recent quiz was returned to students for completion of error analyses, which are due on Thursday. There will be a brief quiz tomorrow on 3.9 and 3.10 in Oxford. The Unit 3 TEST is on Friday.
Assignment: Outline section 3.10 in Oxford pp.158-165, Ex. 3.10 #1-10.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Day, 11/15/10/
I was out all last week due to a bout with a nasty virus. But I'm 'on the mend' as they say, and I'm back as of today!

All students received grade roprt cards today - and all my students receievd the first 2-week grade reopt for the 2nd Quarter. Any students with scores below 65% are required to get a parent signature - (Or- I'll be calling you...."

Period 1A Geometry grades 10-12
Objective: Students will identify angle pairs and prove and apply theorems about angles in order to find the measure of the angles of of a chair. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed report cards, ans attached the full 1st quarter assignmemt sheet, and the first 2-week grade report for the 2nd quarter.
Students were assigned p.691 #1-16. and p.93, #32-37.
QUIZ on Friday!!!

Unit 2 Test on Tuesday.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will conduct a peer review of the 11/8/10 quiz on probability and begin review for the Unit 3 Test on Friday. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed 2-week grade reports for the 2nd quarter. Mrs. Dennard conducted the peer review of the recent quiz. Students will receive these quizzes back tomorrow, and Error Analyses will be due on Thursday.
Assignment: Oxford text, pp 152-158. Outline the chapter 3.9 and Ex. 3.9 #1-4.(all).
Test on Friday.

Period 4A Honors Geometry
Objective: Students will identify angle pairs and prove and apply theorems anbout angles in order to find the measures made by the legs of a chair. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the 2-5 lesson om"Proving Angles Congruent". Then after giving the practice assignment pp. 100-101, #1-37. Students started this assignment in class, and were instructed to complete it for homework. While students were working, Mrs.Dennard gave out the 2-week grade roprt for the second quarter. Any students with an average of 64% or less is required to have a parent sign the 2nd quarter grade report.

There will be a quiz on 2-4 and 2-5 on Friday.

The Unbt 2 Test will be next Tuesday.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday November 5, 2010

B Day 11/5/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will connect reasoning in algebra and geometry in order to justify steps in a logical argument. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard went over the "Spiral Crossword" homework, and students in Period 1 took a quiz on Chap.2-3. and were given a practice assignment of pp. 89-95, #1-15.
Period 2 has the assignment pp.89-95,#1-31.This class took an exit quiz on Ch 2-4. Any work not completed in class is for homework.
Plans for next week: we'll complete Chapter 2,there will be another brief quiz
on 2-4 and 2-5,and we'll prepare for the Unit 2 TEST the week of 11/15-19/10.


Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of sampling and probability in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took questions about the homework; demonstrating all homework questions. Students wwith questions were told to do the again.
Homework Text H&H pp. 490 - 491,#1-9 (Review Set A)
QUIZ 2-1 will be on Monday. BE PREPARED !!!
Next week we will complete Topic 3 on Sets, Logic and Probability and prepare for the Unit TEST on Thursday, 11/11.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Day 11/4/10

Period 1 grades 10-12 and Period 4 grade 9 Geometry
Objective:Students will connect reasoning in algebra and geometry in order to justify steps in a logical order. Following the wram up, Mrs.Dennard reviewed the previous lesson on deductive reasoning before proceeding to the new lesson. Students took notes and were assigned some practice problems during class time.
Homework: Back of the WU#2-1 "Right Angle Spiral" (a crossword puzzle) and text Checkpoint quiz 2-1 through 2-3.
Next class quiz on 2-3 and 2-4.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of sampling with and without replacement in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and taught the new lesson on sampling. Students took notes, and then began the practice exercises.
Assignment: Text H&H pp.478-480,Ex.14I #1-9.
Quiz tomorrow on probability.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

B Day 11/3/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will use the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism in order to use deductive reasoning. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed grade reports showing all assignments and the final average for the first quarter. Students were encouraged to do all assignments and turn them in on time, and to pay better attention during the warm up.
Mrs.Dennard reviewed the Law of Detachment and Law of Syllogism with Period 1 and asssigned the practice problems: Text pp 86-87,#22-32, 34-37, and 38-44. Next class a brief quiz on 2-3.
Period 2 started on Chapter 2-4 on connecting reasoning in algebra algebar and geometry in order to justify steps in a logical arguement. The assignment for Period 2 is: Text pp. 89-94,#1-15,16-24 and 27-30. Next class a brief quiz on 2-4.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of probabilities with compound and independents events, and use tree diagrams. Following the warm hup, Mrs.Dennard distributed a grade report to each students. Thsis listed each assignment in the 1st quarter, and the final 1st quatrer score.
Assignment: Text H&H pp.470-476, Ex 14G.1, 14G.2 and 14H.
Homework: Complete all work assigned today.
Next quiz Friday, November 5.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010