Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

B Day 10/5/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will find perimeter, circunference and area of squares, circles, and rectangles in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard allowed the students a 20minute practice session befor taking a brief quiz on the most recent 2 lessons. Upon finishing the quiz,students were instructed to complete the practice exercise on pp.52-59. And, if they had completed that for homework, they could begin the review for Chapter 1 pp.61-63. You may exclude #36&37.
Assignment Text pp 52-59, #20-55 odd, & 57-65.
Chapter Review pp 61-63.
The Unit i TEST is on Thursday - the next class.
I will be available on Wednesday after school for tutoring.
*** Note: 3 students were sent out of the room for disruptive behavior during 1st period, and Asst.Principal Robinson spoke sternly to the class about classroom behavior. Any disruptive behavior in the future will result in a referral for after school detention with Ms. Robinson.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objecytive: Students will practice calculating and solving word problems involving 3-circle Venn diagrams. Following the war up, Mrs.Dennard answered a few questions about the homework. Several students went to the overhead to display and explain specific homework problems.
Assignment: text H&H Review Set A on p.82.
Next class: more practice on 3-circle Venn diagram word problems, and set notation, followed by a lesson on tree diagrams.

Unit 1 TEST on Friday. Be prepared!
Get adequate sleep for optimal brain performance!