Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

B Day 10/20/10

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will solve problems using biconditional statements in order to solve real world problems. Following the warm up Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on biconditionals, and instructed the students to begine the practice assignment.
Classwork for Period 1 Text pp.79-80, #36-46.
Homework is Practice 2-2 back of the WU#9.
Classwork for period 2 Text pp. 1-12 pp78.

First Quarter projects were due today for B Day classes.

First Quarter projects are due for A Day classes on Thursday Oct, 20.

Period 3 Math Studies grade 11
Objective: Students will solve logic problems using logic symbols in order to solve problems of conjuntion, disjuction, and exclusive disjunction in truth talbes.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard took questions about the homework, and explained the lesson on implication. Students were assigned practice in the H&H text Ex15D and 15E.