Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Day 1/21/11

Period 1A grades 10-12 and 4A grade 9 Geometry
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill and understanding of all objectives in Chapter 3. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard conducted a bried question and answer period before distributing the Unit 3 TEST. Students had the remainder of the class to complete the test.
Homework: Text p. 178,#1-10, and
2 bonus points for a print out of the self check online.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will demonstrate skills and understanding of all objective 2-1 through 2-5. Following the warm up, students had about 20 minutes to review material for today's quiz. Mrs.Dennard distributed the quiz, and students had the remaninder of the class to complete the quiz. We will peer-correct this on Tuesday for the 3rd quarter grade.
Homework: Your Internal assessment drafts are due on Tuesday Jan. 25! this is a 50point assignment!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, Jan. 19, and Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011

A day and B Day

Period 1A, 4A, 1B and 2 B Geometry
Objective;students will demonstrate understanding and skills in the last quiz of Chapter 3 - Lesson 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Following the warm up, Mrs Dennard allowed students about ten minutes for review, and then distributed the quiz. After the quiz was over, Mrs.Dennard answered questions from the Chapter 3 Review Pack.
Homework: Complete the back of the warm up sheet; complete the KWL chart, graphic organizer and chapter 3 review pack.
Unit 3 TEST on Friday and next Tuesday.

Period 3 Math Studies grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems convertind international units and metric units in order to solve real problems. Following the warm up, students put the homework problems on the board, and each one explained their problem for the class.n Wednesday, students received updated grade report sheets, and all papers collected by Friday, 1-17 were returned to students. Any corrections have now been completed and all have been entered into Schoolmax.
Homework: Complete the Friday warm up questions - time yourself and report the amount of time you needed to complete the page. Go to the end of Chapter 2 in your Oxford book, pick at least three problems to complete for practice to prepare for the quiz tomorrow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

A day 1/14/11

Periods 1A Geometry grade 10-12, and Period 4A Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will work in small groups to solve multi-step word problems regarding a sketch of a polygon. Further students will receive a graphic organizer for Chapter 3 notes, a K-W-L chart for review day, and a practice pack to prepare for the quiz on Wednesday,and the Unit 3 test on Friday.
Homework: Complete graphic organizer, K-W-L Chart and Practice Pack. Be ready with questions for the review after the brief quiz on Wedenesday.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems using the general term sequence formulas in order so solve arithmetic sequence formulas. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard called on students to put homework questions on the board. Unfortunately, so much disruption of class meant this and the brief quiz could be completed today. Students were firmly warned that continued disruption wiil result in disiplinary referrals and calls home to request a meeting with parents me and Mrs. Terry to discuss fitness for continued participation in the IB program.
Homework: H&H Text pp.401-404 Chapter 12 C Exercise 12C #1-9.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

B Day 2/13/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will work in small groups on solving several word problems from a sketch in order to begin our review of Chapter 3. Error analyses and evaluation tasks are included in each problem. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard distributed each of 3 parts of the project. Students worked together in small groups to complete and report on each part. Mrs. Dennard then distributed the graphic organizer for Chapter 3 with a K-W-L chart on the back, and a review pack for the unit 3 test.
Homework: Complete the graphic organizer, the K-W-L chart, and the review pack to discuss next class. There will be a brief quiz next class on Lesson 3-4,3-5 and 3-6.
The Unit 3 Test is next week.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems of arithnetic sequences in order to gain experience use the general term formulas for the nth term, and the sum of terms. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took questions on the homework, and demonstrated the use of the general term formulas.
Homework: Oxford Ch. 2 Exercise 2.5 #11-17.
Quiz on 2.5 tomorrow.
Revised outlines and 3 references are due on Monday for your internal assessment.Make sure you type it up!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Day 1/12/11
Today there was 2 hour delay to the start of the day, so period 1 and 4 were shorter by about 40 minutes each.

Periods 1A Geometry grades 10-12 and 4A Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will review lesson 3-4, 3-5 and 3-6 in order to prepare for the upcoming quiz and the Chp.3 TEST next week. Following the warm up, Mrs. dennard took questions about the homework, and reviewed the topic in the last 3 lessons with students. Students received the Test Review pack for the Chapter 3 test next week.
Homework: Complete the Test review pack, and prepare for the quiz next class.

Period 3 Math Studies, IB grade 11
Objective: Students will find the general term of a sequence, solve problems using arithmetic sequence of a series in order to solve real-world problems.Mrs. Dennard did not review homework or go over the warm up questions today in order to interview each student on their progress in preparation of the internal assessment statistics research paper. Many students had not read about the topic they selected. This is a serious problem because you cannot write (well) about that which you do not understand. In so far as Mrs. Dennard was able to simply download several appropriate articles easily, she hopes students will be able to get the articles/books they need and catch up as soon as possible on their topics. Please have substantive outlines ready to turn in on Monday. Please type these!
Homework: Oxford text pp. 84-92, Exercise 2.5 #1-10.
FAIR WARNING: expect to have a homework quiz at any time!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 12, 2011

B Day 1/12/11

Periods 1B and 2 B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will relate slope and parallel lines and slope and perpendicular lines in order to write equations. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard went over the lesson, and assigned the practice. Students had received 2 assignments last week when Mrs. Dennard was out sick, so these were turned in today. Students had a choice of doing the chapter review, or the chapter test at the end of the chapter. Finishing either or both of those, students were allowed to start on their homework.
Homework: Back of the warm up #2-10; worksheet on Lesson 3-6. Use a separate sheet of paper and show all work!
Quiz next class 3-4 to 3-6. Students will recieve a study guide for the Unit 3 test.
Unit 3 test next week.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Cancelled today due to snow.
see Monday's blog for assignment.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Day - 2/10/11

I was out of school for 4 days last week due to a nasty virus that has been making the rounds here lately. I'm good enough as they say - so here we go....

Periods 1A grade 10-12 and 4A Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will use slope formula and parallel lines, and also relate the use of slope for perpendicular lines in order to write an equation that models part of a leaded glass window. Mrs. Dennard discussed the slope formula and its use in identifying parallel and perpendicular lines, and did a quick check on how many students had completed the assignment while the substitute was here. There were several students who still had work to do on this assignment, so they were given time to prceed with this. Those students who had completed the 3-6 assignment were instructed to go to the chapter review problems, and the chapter test. All these practice problems rae dyue next class - on 1/13/10.
Thewre will be a brief quiz on 3-5 and 3-6 next class. Students will receive the nit 3 test review which will be due on Friday. The Unit 3 Test is on Wednesday, 1/19/11.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Students will convert SI units in the 7 types of SI units in order to become adept at using these calculation in word problems. Students were directed to the assignment given last Friday, and Mrs. Dennard took questions on this. Ther was discussion of the number of feet in a mile versus the number of feet in a meter, and what was the measurement in SI that is closest to our mile? In so far as all questions were cleared up, students are expected to complete the assignment for tomorrow. Text Oxford, pp. 87-82.
There will a brief quiz on this materiel on Wednesday.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

B Day 1/3/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry, grade 9
Objective: Students will relate slope and parallel lines, and relate slope and perpendicular lines in order to solve problems in the real world. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard went over the last lesson done before the break to refresh all students memories. Practice problems were assigned, and then students took a brief quiz on this lesson.(3-5)Both 3-5 and 3-6 are reviews of Algebra concepts. When the quiz was finished, Mrs. Dennard directed students to pp.158-164 and assigned the Check for Understanding problems as class work, and #1-24 on pp 161-162 for homework.
Unit 3 TEST will be next Thursday!(next week)

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will use significant figures; p[ercentage errors; and scientific notation in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard reviewed several topics brought in by this class regarding their topics for the internal assessment (IA) statistics research paper. I was dissapointed to learn that students had done little, if any, reading about the topic they planned to do a project on! I have now required that students bring in at least 3 sources for the topics they plan to collect data about on Friday, January 7.
Students were assigned practice problems in the Oxford text,pp. 65-72, Secvtions 2.2 and 2.3. Please complete these exercises for homework if not already completed in class. And- find some articles to read on your topic!