Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

B Day, 9/13/10

Preriods 1 Geometry

Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in using inductive reasoning,and identifying points, lines, planes, line sements, rays, parallel lines and skew lines; and midpoint and distance formulas to be successful in today's quiz.
Following the warm up, all work ramaing from last week was collected and students were assigned practice problems.
Classwork" bText p. 23 Checkpoint Quiz #1-10, ans p.690,#1-16.
As Students were working, 3 students at a time used the the classroom computers to register for the online testbook in enables students to access the Geometry text from any computer! Students are to bring Geometry books to class each class, and store the book in the school locker.
The quiz was distributed, and students worked until the end of the class period. There is no homework tonite.

Period 2 Geometry.

Objective: Students will find the length of segmentsand the measures of angles in order to find distance using a highway number line. Following the warm up, students went, 3 at a time , to the classroom computers to register for the online textbook at www.pearsonseuuessnet.cpom. A registered sudent can access the Geometry textbook from any computer!
Mrs. Dennard taught the next lesson (noted in the objective) and students were assigned practice problems.
Classwork: Text p. 25-3, # 1-15. Work not completed in class is assigned for homework. This class will have a quiz on Thursday - to cover Lessons 101 through todays lesson, 1-4 on measuring segments.

Period 3 Math Studies
Objective: same as Friday - students took the quiz following the warm up.
Homework: Investigation 5 in H&H pp 154-155. The 250 word report must be typed. This will be a project grade. If you are not familiar with calculating stand deviatio, then indicate that, and leave it out. Standard deviation is in our next lesson.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Day 9/10/10

Periods 1 and 4 Geometry
Onjective: Students will demonstrate skill using inductive reasoning, points, ;lines and planes. and identification of rays, line segments, parallel lines, and skew lines to be succussful in today's quiz on these topics.
Following the warm up, the students were asssigned some practice problems before the quiz.The students has 30 minutes to take the quiz.
Classwork: Text p. 23, Checkpoint Quiz, #1-10 and p. 690 #1-16.
No homework this weekend.
Next week -we will start on Lesson 1-4, measurement of segments and angles.

Period 3 Math Studies, IB
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill in sketching cumulative frequecy tables and graphs, describing and interpreting data on the second quiz of the quarter. Following the warm up, Mrs. denard answered questions on the homework, and the quiz was distributed. In so far as the students had only 30 minute for the 5 problems, Mrs.Dennard said students could finish this for homework,and take another quiz on Monday.