Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday and Friday, December 16 & 17, 2010

I'm combining the past two days, as I had to leave right away yesterday due to the snow storm. Also, Period 4A Geometry missed class yesterday due to closing 2 hours early

Period 1A Geometry, grade 10-12
Period 1B Honors Geometry, grade 9
Period 2B Honors Geometry, grade 9
Objective; Students will classify polygons according to angle size and the length of the sides; and work on their portfolio projects for the 2nd Quarter. These are due next week! Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and students used the rest of their class-time completing tasks to be included in their portfolio projects.
Homework: Complete your 2nd quarter portfolio project!
Geometry students should be prapared for a brief quiz on 3-4 and 3-5 next week.
A winter holiday pack will be distributed to Geometry students on Tuesday and Wednesday. It will be a Unit 3 Review/Study Pack.

Period 3A&B Math Studies, IB grade 11
Objective: Students will continue to practice solving chi-squared problems in rder to rest for independence of bivariate data sets. On Thursday, students used classtime to practice their chi-squareed skill, and on Friday, students took a brief quiz on correlation coefficient, standard deviation and chi-squared test.
Remember - you Internla Assessment title is due on Jan.3, 2011!