Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

B Day, 3/28/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will work in small groups to complete a triangle proof using triangle congruency postulates and theorems and discuss the results. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions on the Chapter Review in the textbook and the Unit 4 Review Pack. Then poster paper and markers and a proof sheet were distributed to each group. Students worked on this, getting their rproofs on the whiteboard, but not with enough time to discuss in 1A. In 2A we made the proofs last week, and discussed them today.
Warm Up Text p.35,#34.
Assignment: Complete Chapter Review and practice test for Chapter 4 in your textbook. Also make sure you have shown your work in the Unit 4 Review Pack.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems using exponential expressions, and properties of symmetry, vertex, and intercepts. Following the warm up, Mrs. dennard asked for any questions on the homework. Students began work on exponential word problems in Chapter 16 of the H&H text.
Warm Up: H&H text p. 480 #9,a,b,c.
Assignment: H&H Ch.16, pp.525-526,Section 16C,#1-4.
There will be a quiz on Thursday of Functions onfectives 4-1 through 4-4.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Day 3/25/11

Period 1A Geometry grades 10-12
Objective: Students will prove triangles congruent using right triangles and the Hypotenuse -Leg Theorem in order to use it in deductive reasoning to solve a proof.
Following the warm up, students worked on the Ch.4-6 Daily Note taking and pack, and Mrs. Dennard observed students working, and answering questions.
There will be a quiz next class on Ch 4-4 through 4-6.
Warm Up: Text p. 221, #16 and 17.
Assignment: Complete 4-6 Daily Notaking Guide and Worksheet.
Homework: Text pp. 219-220, #1-10.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will use the exponential expression a to the b power, where b is an element of the integers; and, graphs and properties of exponential functions.
Following the warm up, students practiced exponential word problems. Mrs. Dennard answered questions as students practiseed these problems. The posters prject fron the IA papers was due today.
Warm Up: H&H Text p. 315m #9B #5,6.
Assignment:H&H p. 315,#9C,#5,6,7; then Ch 16 pp 517-522 #16A and 16B.

Period 4A Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: DStudentents will practise triangle proof problems in order to prepare for the Unit 4 TEST next week. Follwoing the warm up, Mrs. Denard answered questions on the Unit 4 test Review pack. Then students worked in snmall groups to complete a triangle congruence proff. We will discuss thees proofs at our next class.
Warm Up: Text p.221,#16 & 17.
Assignment: Complete the Unir 4 Review Pack. And, p. 236 practice test.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

B Day 3/24/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will work on the Unit 4 Review pack and solve triangle congruece proof problems in order to prepare for the Unit 4 TEST next week. Following the Warm Up, Mrs. Dennard took questions about the Unit 4 Review.Students worked on solving proofs for the remainder of the class period.
Warm Up : Text p.693,#19-25.
Assignment: Complete the Unit 4 Review Pack, and the Chapter 4 Revie in the text, pp 233-235.
Homework: Complete p, 236 Chapter Test and p. 693 all.
Final Review on Monday; TEST on Wednesday!

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will practice working on axis of symmetry and quadratic modelling problems. This content is a review ofd Algebra I and II. Following the WARM up, Mrs.Dennard assigned the practice set for this topic. Studnets workewd quietly (well mostly) on this prior course review work.
Warm Up: H&H p, 306 #1a,d. #2a,b.
Assignment:H&H pp.305-312, #9J #1,2 left column only; #9L,#1-8.
Homework: Complete the day's assignment. IA Posters are due tomorrow!

Tuesday and Wednesday March 22 & 23, 2011

Period 1A Geometry Grades 10-12
Objective: Students will learn to prove triangles congruent using the HL Theorem.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on Hypotenuse Leg Theorem, and assigned practice problems in the 4-6 handout.
Warm Up: Text p. 693, #19-25
Assignment: Handout 4-6 Daily Notetaking packw Reteach.\
next class Quiz on 4-4 to 4-6.

Periods 4A, 1B, 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will reiew and practice writing proofs in order to prepare for the Unit 4 TEST next week.
Warm Up: Text p.693, #19-25.
Assignment: Text p. 236 Chapter 4 practice test.

Period 3 Math Studies grade 11
Objective: Students will solvw problems using linear functions and their graphs.
Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard discusses linear functions in a review of Algebra 1 topics.
Warm Up: H&Hp. 276 #10
Assignment:H&H p. 297 9G.4 c,f, 9G.5 c,f,i,9G7, a,d,g,i,.

Objective: Students will graph quadratic functions and use properties of symmetry, vertex and intercepts to solve problems. Following the Warm Up, Mrs. Dennard took questions onthe homework, then the class did a per review of the quiz taken last week.
Warm Up: H&H,p. 301, #1,c,f,i,j.
Assignment: H&H p. 297,#1 c,f,d.; p.298:#3 all.; p.301,#1b,e,h,k, #2a,d,g.
Homework: H&H pp. 303-305 # 3-7.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday March 16, and Thursday, March 17, 2011

Periods 1A and 4A Geometry
Objective: Students will sove problems usinf cprresponding parts of congruent triangles. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard reviewed the steps for writing a proof, and asnswered questions about the homework.
Warm Up:Text p. 230, #39.
Assignment: Text pp 233-235 Chapter 4 Review # 1-39.

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will solve problems using the y and x intercepts; including directions of parabolas, axis of symmetry, and turning point vertex.
Following the warm up. Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and taught the new lesson on intercepts and vertices,
Warm Up: Wed 3/16 Text H&H p, 491 # 8
Thurs 3/17 Text H&H p. 493 #5
Assignment: Text H&H pp 298-301k Selected problems in Chapter 9H.1 through 9H.4.
On Thursday, we had presentations on Indiginous People from Island Nations, and sampled a lovely array of food representing those nations. Students made brief presentations on several island nations, demonstrating language, song, dance and chop sticks! Thank you very much to all parents who helped with food for this lunch.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14th, and Tuesday March 15th, 2011

Monday A day 3/14/11 and Tuesday B Day 3/15/11

Periods 1A,4A, 1B,2B GEOMETRY
Objective: Students will prove triangles congruent using the H-L Theorem, and identifu overlapping triangles. Follwoing the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions from the homework, and taught the new lesson.
Warm Up: Text p. 213,#1 a through f.
Assignments: Period 1A: Text pp 217-221 #1-17
All other Geometry classes: Text pp 226-229,#23-29
ALL GEOMETRY CLASSES: Weekly Quiz #3-8, and the worksheet 4-6 on the back.
The poster projects of Chapter 4 Vocabulary words are due this Friday!

Objective: Students will solve problems using quadratic functions and graphs of quadratic functions.; including properties of symmetry, the vertex, and intercepts.
Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took questions from the homework, and demonstrated several problems in the new sections.
Warm Ups: Monday 3/14: H&H Text p.282 #1 a,b,&c.
Tuesday 3/15:H&H text p. 491,#7.
Assignments: Monday 3/14: H&H text, pp 282-283, Ex.9E #2-12. HW:H&H pp.286-287, #1-4.
Tuesday:3/15 H&H text pp.289-299,9G.1 #1b,e; 9G.2,#1,c,f;
9a,d,f;and 9G.4 #1a.b.c.d. HW: Oxford pp 192-193,#1-5.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2100

A Day, March 11, 2011

Periods 1A Geometry, Grades 10-12
Objective: Students will solve triangle congruency problems using the 5 triangle congruenct postulates/theorems, and using CPCTC. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions on the homework, and students took a brief quiz on Lessons 4-4 and 4-5. Following the quiz, students picked up a handout on Lesson 4-6.
Warm Up: Text p. 215,#34-36.
Assignment: Lesson 4-6 Daily Notetaking Guide(handout)
Homework: Chapter 4 Vocabulary Project is due on Friday March 18th.
Complete the Lessson 4-6 handout.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will demonstrate skills and understanding of function: including mapping, domain and range. Following the warm up,Mrs.Dennard took questions of Sections 9A through 9C before distributing a quiz on those topics.
Homework: Complete the quiz as a take-home quiz to be turned in when you return on Monday morning.

Period 4A Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will solve triangle congruency problems using CPCTC and all 5 triangle congruenct postulates and theorems in order to construct proofs.
Follwoing the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and assigned two additional practice proofs to be completed for homework.
Chapter 4 Vocabulary Project is due this Friday!
Warm Up:Text p. 693, #17,21,22.
Assignment: p. 228-229, #23,24,27,28. Any work not finished during classtime must be turned in for homweork. Remember GPS!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

B Day, 3/10/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will identify congruent overlapping tiangles in order to prove two triangles congruent by first proving two other triangles congruent. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and any problems in lessons 4-4 through 4-6. A brief quiz was distributed on 4-4 through 4-6. Then, Mrs.Dennard taught the last lesson in Chapter 4 from lesson 4-7. Students took notes, and did several practice problems. The Chapter 4 Project and rubric was distributed. It is due March 18.
Warm Up: Text p.693,#12,15.19.
Assignment: Text pp 224-230' Check for Understanding # 1-4, and Exercises # 1-18.
Also -the Weekly Take-Home quiz(#3-7) and the Practice sheet 4-7 on the back.
Next class a brief quiz on Lesson 4-7 and review of Chapter 4 to prepare for the Unit 4 TEST!

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve problems using function notation, domain and range.
Following the warm up, students worked in small groups to complete the practice assignment, and Mrs.Dennard walked around the room several times to answer questions and observe students working.
Warm Up: Text H&H p273-274, #1b,c,h. 2b,e.
Assignment: Text H&H pp.275-276, Exercices 9C #1-14.
Homework: Complete classwork if not yet turned in, and complete Weekly Quiz 3-6.
There will be a brief quiz on Friday (tomorrow) on IB Objective 4.1: Concept of a function as a mapping; domain and range, mapping diagrams.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Day, 3/9/11

Period 1A Geometry Grades 10-12
Objective: Students will use and apply properties of Isoscelec and Equilateral Triangles. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson on isosceles triangles, and demonstrated several problems before givving out assigned the practice work.
Warm Up: Text p.693,#12,15,19.
Assignment:Text pp. 211-214, 1-18.
Homework: Weekly Quiz #3-7, and worksheet Practice 4-5.
Next class: QUIZ on Lessons 4-4 and 4-5.

Period 4A Honors Geometry Grade 9
Objective: Students will identify congruent overlapping triangles in order to prove two triangles congruent by first proving two other triangles congruent. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson and demonstrated how to identify common part, how to prove two segments congruent, and why you separate two overlapping triangles.
Warm Up: p.693, #12,15,19.
Assignment: Text pp.224-230,C.U.Questions #1-4,and Exercises #1-18.
Homweork: Complete the weekly quiz #3-7, the Practice sheet 4-7, and any classwork not completed in class.
Next class: brief quiz on lesson 4-7, and begin review for Chapter 4 TEST!!!

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve function problems using interval notation, domain, range and mapping diagrams. Following the Warm Up, Mrs.Dennard reviewed the lesson on interval notation, and domain and range.
Warm Up:Text H&H pp.270-271: #1 & 2.
Assignment: Text H&H pp.271-274, Exercises 9B, #1 & 2 (a through i.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

B Day 3/8/11

Period 1B and 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will prove triangles congruent using the H-L Theorem in order to show how to repair a clock. After the warm up, Mrs.Dennard reviewed the lesson on the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem, and assigned the practice problems. Students woked in small groups to complete the practice problems. Interim report cards were distributed.
Warm Up: Text p.693,#6,7,10,14.
Assignment: Text pp. 217-222,#11-17,29,20,21,28,29.
Homework: Text p.223, Checkpoint Quiz, #1-5. Complete Weekly Take-Home Quiz 3-7
Wait until class on Fraday to complete Practice 4-7.
NEXT CLASS: a quiz on Lessons 4-4 through 4-6.
Unit 4 Project due March 18
Unit 4 test March 23.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will conduct a peer review of the recent Unit 2 TESt.
Warm Up: Text H&H pp 277-278,#1a,d,g.
Assignment: Oxford pp.170-175 Read and outline, and complete Ex 4.1 on p.175.
Quiz on Friday !!

Monday, March 7, 2011

A day, 3/7/11

Period 1A Geometry grades 10-12
Objective: Students will use and apply properties of isosceles triangles in order to find th abgles of a garden. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions on the work from last week. Then, Mrs.Dennard taught the lesson on isosceles triangles,and assigned the practice problems.
Warm Up: Text p.693,#6,7,10,14.
Assignment:Text pp.213-215,#1-18,21-26.
Homework: P.216,#46-53.
There will be a quiz next class on 4-4 and 4-5.

Period 4A Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will prove triangles congruent using the H-L Theorem in order to show how to repair a clock. Following the Warm Up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions on th4e homework, and then taught the new lesson on the
Hypotenuse - Leg Theorem.
Warm Up: text p.693,#6,7,10,14.
Assignment: Text pp.217-222,#11-17,19,20,21,28,29.
Homework: Tect p.223,Checkpoint Quiz 2,#1-5.
Quiz on Lessons 4-4 to 4-6 next class!

Period 3 Math Studies IB Grade 11
Objective: Students will work on a project to distinguish between numbers and the symbols which represent them. Students worked in small groups to develop an alternartive counting system, and presnted their work to the class. A rief discussion period followed the presentations.
Warm Up: Oxford text, p.110 #6 b, and 7 b.
No homework tonite.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

B Day 3/3/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective:Students will prove triangles congruent using the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem.
Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard took questions about the homework, and assigned the practice problems. Homework, Weekly Take-Home Quiz, and Weekly Warm-Up sheets were collected.
Assignment: Text pp.221-223,#11-17,19,20,28.29,35-38.
Homework: Handout 4-6
Next class - a brief quiz on Lesson 4-6.
Next week Lesson 4-7 and Chapter Review. Unit 4 Test following week.

Period 3 Mathematical Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will demonstrate skills and understanding of all objective in Topic 2, Number and Algebra. Students were given the Test for Topic 2 as soon as they entered the classroom. The students used the whole class period for the test.
There is no homework assigned for tonite - I will collect the Topic 2 Review Pack on Monday. On Monday we will do a TOK project in class - see p. 114 in Oxford to see what its all about.
Your poster projects on your IA papers are due on Wednesday.
Each of these will be awarded up to 3 points for a total of up to 30 points. This is a project grade.

1. Poster should be full size to represent your paper;

2. Easy to read on bulletin board;

3. Layout is balanced and enhances the information;

4. Graphics/photos are engaging and enhance the information;

5. Text size and color are clear and readable (NO PENCIL!);

6. Writing is well prepared and easy to follow;

7. Titles and subtitles are clear and enhance readabilty;
(Hypothesis and results)

8. Quality of information ie: description of your paper is clear, complete and concise

9. Grammar and spelling are correct;

10. Math Processes are represented correctly.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

B Day, 3/1/11

Periods 1B and 2B Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will prove triangles congruent using the H-L Theorem in order to show that one pattern can be used to cut the fabric for two entrance flaps of a tent. Following the Warm Up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework, and demonstrated the solutions. A few more practice problems were assigned, before students took a quiz on Lessons 4-4 and 4-5. Following the quiz, Mrs.Dennard taught a brief lesson about the Hypotenuse Leg Theorem, and practice problems were assigned.
Warm Up:Text p. 209 #1&2.
Assignment: Check for Understanding questions #1-3 and problems #1-10.
Homework:Work on the weekly quiz and complete today's assignment.
Next quiz:Next wee on Lessons 4-6 and 4-7., then Chapter 4 review and Unit 4 TEST!!!!

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will practice IB exam problems in order to prepare for the opic 2test. Following the warm up, students were assigned practice problems.
Warm Up: Text Oxford: pp.166-167,#3 & 4.
Assignment: Text Oxford, pp 111-113, #1-8.
On Wednesday students will work in small groups to complete IB exam questions in Number and Algebra objectives. The Toopic 2 test is on Thursday, 3/3/11.

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Day 2/28/11

Period 1A Geometry grade 10-12
Objective: Students will use and apply properties of isosceles tringles in order to find the angles of a garden path. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard taught the lesson on this topic, and demonstrated several problems for students.
Warm Up: Text p. 209 #1 & 2.
Practice:Text pp.213-214,#1-9.
Homework: Complete the practice assignment, and the weekly quiz.

Period 3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve simple interest and compound interest problems in order to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, many students were still printing their final copies of the Internal Assessment Paper.
Warm Up: Text Oxford,pp. 164-165 #5 & 7.
Assignment: Oxford pp.387-395,Ex. 8.2 and 8.3, and p.403,#4, p.404,#2.

Period 4A Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will solve problems using the H-L Thereom to prove triangles congruent in order to show that one pattern may be used for multiple cuts. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard demonstrated the solutions to several homework problems, then distributed a quiz on Lessons 4-4 and 4-5. When the quiz was over, students received a brief introduction to the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem, and practice problems were assigned.
Warm Up: Text p.209,#1 & 2.
Assignment: Text pp.217-220, CU #1-3, and problems #1-10.