Monday, June 6, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Day, 6/3/11

Period A1 Geometry, grades 10-12
Objective:Students willuse ralationships among sides and among angles of parallelograms to solve real-world problems. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard answered questions about the homework due today - on pp, 397-298, #1-16. and assigned the additional practice problems.
Warm Up: Text p.284 #14; p.286 #6;p. 298 #12.
Assignment: Text p.298, #12-32 evens only.
Next class 6-3 Proving the a quadrilateral is a parallelogram and quiz 6.1-6.3!

Period A3 Math Studies IB grade 11
Objective: Students will solve real-world problems by evaluating graphs of sine and cosine functions.Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions on the homework due today, (P.537,#2-48). Students began to work on the next lesson doing the CheckPoint questions #1-6.
Warm Up: P.510,#11,17,35
Homework: Complete Check point questions.

Period A4 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill and understanding of all objectives in evaluating quadrilaterals. Following the warm Up, Mrs.Dennard reviewed questions on the homewaork, and assigned practice problems p.695, #1-12. After a quif Q & A session, the quiz was distributed.
Warm Up: Text p.310, #2-10 evens (Chjeckpoint quiz)
Assignment: Text p. 695, #1-12.
Homework: Chapter 6.4 Special Parallelograms,
pp 312-315,Do the Check for Understanding questions #1-4.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

B Day 6/2/11

Periods 1 and 2 Honors Geometry grade 9
Objective: Students will demonstrate skill and understanding of objectives 6.1 through 6.3 by evaulating problems with quadriaterals. Following the Warm Up, Mrs.Dennard answered questions about the homework. Warm ups anf homework were collected. A brief practice session was assigned, and the quiz was distributed.
Warm Up: Text: p. 310,2-10 evens only.
Practice: Text p. 695, #1-12.
Homework: pp 312-313, C.U.qs #1-4.
There was significant disruption in both classes, but especially in the first period class this morning. Students in period 1 are hereby warned that behavior which interupts instruction cannot be tolerated. You will be sent to ALC next week if you are not well behaved in class.

Second period students are assigned to write a 3 paragraph essay on classroom behavior. Answer these 4 questions: 1)How do think your own behavior was in class today? Did you contribute to the disruption, and if so why did you do so?
2) How have the many interruptions disrupted instruction?
3) How have the disruptions affected you learning.
4) If you were the teacher how would you handle repeat disruptive students?

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will evaluate graphs of sine and cosine functions in order to use variations of periodic behavior in a real-world context. Following the warm up, Mrs.Dennard went over the new lesson with students, and assigned practice problems.
Warm Up: Text p 497,#91 and p. 510 #91.
Assignment: CPqs #1-9, and on p.510,#2-48 even.