Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

B Day Thursday, 9/16/10

Periods 1 and 2 Geometry
Objective: Students will practice linear equations to prepare for the next lesson on measuring segments and angles; and register for the online textbook in order to use it at home. Following the warm-up, Mrs.Dennard instructed students in completing the Algebra 1 Review on Linear Equations. While students were working on this practice, students took turns using the 3 classroom computers registering for the online textbook at Period 2 also took a brief quiz on Lesson 1-1 through 1-3.
Classwork: Text p. 24, #1-20; and pp 29-30 #1-15.
Homework: Complete the Algebra 1 review practice.
Next week: Bring your composition book on Monday!!!!

Period 3 Math Studies IB
Objective: Students will conduct a peer review of Quiz 2 on Statistics Objective 6.1through 6.5. in order to gain a more thorogh knowledge of how to answer each question, and the IB grading crioteria. Following the warm up, Mrs. Dennard put the answers on the overhead, and students checked responses by a classmate. There were grading and content questions with each problem, and Mrs.Dennard explained each one. Quizzes were returned to each student for checking. Any changes were verified with Mrs. Dennard. Error Analyses will be due by next Tuesday, 9/21/10.
No homework tonite.
Tomorrow: Variance: a measure of the spread of a set of data.